can't read SVG ? go

(SVG source)

For the ones who favor their command line interface over graphical terminals, here comes a bundle of Makefiles and scripts to easily publish new entries on a DotClear2 blog with XML-RPC enabled.

It is loosely based on *BSD ports and the idea behind static blog generators like jekyll, which in fact I've never used so the comparison might be more about what I think they are and what I'd like to use. Nevertheless, the few features I have aimed for are:

  • automation, otherwise I would not waste whole days on the command line
  • integration with VIM, the text editor
  • pure text files, a very simple and universal way to store data. Moreover ones can manage the whole damned thing with Git.
  • extensible, as in the Unix philosophy where you combine a myriad of small programs to achieve your task

The project is available on GitHub.