I am quite allergic to modern email programs such as Microsoft Outlook, KMail, Evolution or Thunderbird. After digging the web for a mail program that "sucks less", I've adopted mutt. In the same time, I've learned a lot of (not so useful) stuff about the email flow from servers to servers to servers to my brave old Unix mailbox. I am now using a split set of software to manage my emails. This could be confusing at first sight, but eventually I get the so-called do-one-thing-but-do-it-right quality of Unix systems. To summarize it, my messages go through the following path:

                     _ -(    )- _           
                .--,(            ),--.      
            _.-(                       )-._ 
           (           INTERNET            )
            '-._(                     )_.-' 
                 '__,(            ),__'     
                      - ._(__)_. -          
                ^                      |
                |                      |
                |                      v
           .---------.           .-----------.
encryption | stunnel |           |  getmail  | deliver
           '---------'           '-----------'
                ^                      |
                |                      |
                |                      v
           .---------.           .----------.
      send | postfix |           | procmail |  filter
           '---------'           '----------'
                ^                      |
                |                      |
                |                      v
            .------.              .---------.
read/write  | mutt |<============>| dovecot |  store
            '------'              '---------'

Getmail, procmail, dovecot, mutt, postfix and stunnel. That's 6 programs to do what your Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird do. But I can assure you that the former 6 programs offer a better experience compared to the latter ones.