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JDobbelstein.dev() - Tag - vimsh To infinity, and beyond ! 2011-01-10T00:04:33+01:00 Johan urn:md5:98d5e93307cb5ee6e20feba0dc3f35eb Dotclear A custom Vimsh urn:md5:d868b6548aec926b62709dfb7cfac5c6 2011-01-10T01:04:00+01:00 Johan The wonderful world of computer programming pythonvimvimsh <!-- vim:spell:spelllang=en: Note that the article title is missing. It is managed directly by DotClear2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Insert below a short introduction ================================= --> <div style="text-align:center;"> <video controls="true" src="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/999_Vimsh/vimsh.ogg" style="width:33em;"> Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element. </video> </div> <p>The previous video demonstrates a simple hack using a custom version of the vim plugin vimsh. The new features are: An option g:vimsh_filetype to customize the syntax coloration in the prompt buffer; Another option g:vimsh_split_method to control where the prompt pops. Cf. the vim functions :below and :above. Improve g:vimsh_sh_arg parsing using... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2011/01/10/A-custom-Vimsh">Read</em> A custom Vimsh</a></p>