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JDobbelstein.dev() - Tag - highlight To infinity, and beyond ! 2011-01-10T00:04:33+01:00 Johan urn:md5:98d5e93307cb5ee6e20feba0dc3f35eb Dotclear A port system for DotClear urn:md5:b91b3fa14412095c364a9b3ab867878d 2010-07-26T18:36:00+02:00 Johan network dotclearhighlightmarkdownports4dotclear <!-- vim:spell:spelllang=en: Jekyll-like blog management for DotClear2 ========================================= --> <p style="width:94%; margin:auto; padding:1em; text-align:center;"> <object data="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/13_jekyll/goldberg.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> <p>can't read SVG ? go <a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/07/26/www.getfirefox.com">www.getfirefox.com</a></p> </object> <br/> (<a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/13_jekyll/goldberg.svg">SVG source</a>) </p> <p>For the ones who favor their command line interface over graphical terminals, here comes <a href="http://github.com/obbele/ports4dotclear">a bundle of Makefiles and scripts</a> to easily publish new entries on a DotClear2 blog with XML-RPC enabled.</p> <p>It is loosely based on *BSD ports and the idea behind static blog generators like <a href="http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll">jekyll</a>, which in fact I've never used so the comparison might be more about what I think they are and what I'd like to use. Nevertheless, the few features I have aimed for are:</p> <ul> <li>automation, otherwise I would not waste whole days on the command line</li> <li>integration with VIM, <em>the</em> text editor</li> <li>pure text files, a very simple and universal way to store data. Moreover ones can manage the whole damned thing with <a href="http://git-scm.com">Git</a>.</li> <li>extensible, as in the Unix philosophy where you combine a myriad of small programs to achieve your task</li> </ul> <p>The project is available on <a href="http://github.com/obbele/ports4dotclear">GitHub</a>.</p> <p>I. Quick demo Computer science is all about speeding things up. This system doesn't escape the rule. Using it for posting a new entry on a DotClear2 blog is as quick as typing: bash:Goldberg $ make new Enter directory name: foobar New directory created: [999_foobar] bash:Goldberg $ cd 999_foobar bash:Goldberg/999_foobar $ make edit... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/07/26/A-port-system-for-DotClear">Read</em> A port system for DotClear</a></p>