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JDobbelstein.dev() - Tag - glib To infinity, and beyond ! 2011-01-10T00:04:33+01:00 Johan urn:md5:98d5e93307cb5ee6e20feba0dc3f35eb Dotclear Debugging GObjects in Glib urn:md5:0740042f5893a49e50ed659e5323c8e2 2010-10-01T00:58:00+02:00 Johan The wonderful world of computer programming gdbglibhaskellmemory leak <!-- vim:spell:spelllang=en: Note that the article title is missing. It is managed directly by DotClear2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Insert below a short introduction ================================= --> <p style="width:20em; margin:auto; padding:1em; text-align:center; float:right;"> <object data="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/15_GlibDebug/leak.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> <img alt="leaky memory" src="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/15_GlibDebug/leak.png"/> <p>can't read SVG ? go <a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/10/01/www.getfirefox.com">www.getfirefox.com</a></p> </object> </p> <p>I'm working (since too long) on a Haskell binding to the XFCE library &quot;xfconf&quot; because, you know, in order to improve one programming skills, one should write code. Anyway, after harassing the Haskell mailing-lists with my newbie questions, I got a not-so-bad working binding to xfconf.</p> <p>… memory leaks apart.</p> <p>It took me a <em>lots</em> of efforts to finally solve this memory issue, mainly because I'm a bad programmer who don't know a damn about software runtime and also because I don't know what tools to use with Haskell.</p> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> <p>I. The situation I.a. Why do I care about memory leaks ? Because I am poor. Poor people tend to have old computers. Old computers tend to have a small amount of RAM. And, sadly, recent GNU/linux distributions tend to be really bloated. Practical advantages of hunting memory leak are 1) you get to know more stuff about software debugging 2) you... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/10/01/Debugging-GObjects-in-Glib">Read</em> Debugging GObjects in Glib</a></p>