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JDobbelstein.dev() To infinity, and beyond ! 2011-01-10T00:04:33+01:00 Johan urn:md5:98d5e93307cb5ee6e20feba0dc3f35eb Dotclear A custom Vimsh urn:md5:d868b6548aec926b62709dfb7cfac5c6 2011-01-10T01:04:00+01:00 Johan The wonderful world of computer programming pythonvimvimsh <!-- vim:spell:spelllang=en: Note that the article title is missing. It is managed directly by DotClear2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Insert below a short introduction ================================= --> <div style="text-align:center;"> <video controls="true" src="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/999_Vimsh/vimsh.ogg" style="width:33em;"> Your browser does not support the <code>video</code> element. </video> </div> <p>The previous video demonstrates a simple hack using a custom version of the vim plugin vimsh. The new features are: An option g:vimsh_filetype to customize the syntax coloration in the prompt buffer; Another option g:vimsh_split_method to control where the prompt pops. Cf. the vim functions :below and :above. Improve g:vimsh_sh_arg parsing using... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2011/01/10/A-custom-Vimsh">Read</em> A custom Vimsh</a></p> Debugging GObjects in Glib urn:md5:0740042f5893a49e50ed659e5323c8e2 2010-10-01T00:58:00+02:00 Johan The wonderful world of computer programming gdbglibhaskellmemory leak <!-- vim:spell:spelllang=en: Note that the article title is missing. It is managed directly by DotClear2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Insert below a short introduction ================================= --> <p style="width:20em; margin:auto; padding:1em; text-align:center; float:right;"> <object data="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/15_GlibDebug/leak.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> <img alt="leaky memory" src="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/15_GlibDebug/leak.png"/> <p>can't read SVG ? go <a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/10/01/www.getfirefox.com">www.getfirefox.com</a></p> </object> </p> <p>I'm working (since too long) on a Haskell binding to the XFCE library &quot;xfconf&quot; because, you know, in order to improve one programming skills, one should write code. Anyway, after harassing the Haskell mailing-lists with my newbie questions, I got a not-so-bad working binding to xfconf.</p> <p>… memory leaks apart.</p> <p>It took me a <em>lots</em> of efforts to finally solve this memory issue, mainly because I'm a bad programmer who don't know a damn about software runtime and also because I don't know what tools to use with Haskell.</p> <div style="clear:both;"> </div> <p>I. The situation I.a. Why do I care about memory leaks ? Because I am poor. Poor people tend to have old computers. Old computers tend to have a small amount of RAM. And, sadly, recent GNU/linux distributions tend to be really bloated. Practical advantages of hunting memory leak are 1) you get to know more stuff about software debugging 2) you... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/10/01/Debugging-GObjects-in-Glib">Read</em> Debugging GObjects in Glib</a></p> Unicode in Python and i18n in Fedora urn:md5:523556271f859ae6173ca52b488da185 2010-08-10T13:45:00+02:00 Johan Now geeking ... fedorai18npythonrantunicode <!-- vim:spell:spelllang=en: Note that the article title is missing. It is managed directly by DotClear2. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Insert below a short introduction ================================= --> <p>When I was playing with the ports4dotclear system (see the previous post about it), I had to fix a number of Unicode handling errors in both Python and Perl. For those of you who do not know what is <a href="http://www.unicode.org/">Unicode</a>, it's the technology which allows me to write this kind of stuff: <em>«æ€¶ŧ←»® or «你好世界»</em>.</p> <p>I was forced to use Unicode because, well, XML-RPC communications are in XML and thus require the content to be encoded in UTF-8 (a Unicode encoding/decoding charset).</p> <p>All this mess leads me to this conclusion : <em>Unicode sucks in Python 2.x ! (and Fedora i18n has still some strange artifacts)</em></p> <p>I. Python There is a well known unicode bug in Python 2.x. It's really a shame it didn't got fix earlier, although I may have read the new python 3k fixed it. Anyway, this bug pops when you play with POSIX pipes and wide characters. It's very annoying because you don't understand why a simple shell redirection (on stdout) should change the python... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/08/10/Unicode-in-Python-and-i18n-in-Fedora">Read</em> Unicode in Python and i18n in Fedora</a></p> A port system for DotClear urn:md5:b91b3fa14412095c364a9b3ab867878d 2010-07-26T18:36:00+02:00 Johan network dotclearhighlightmarkdownports4dotclear <!-- vim:spell:spelllang=en: Jekyll-like blog management for DotClear2 ========================================= --> <p style="width:94%; margin:auto; padding:1em; text-align:center;"> <object data="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/13_jekyll/goldberg.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> <p>can't read SVG ? go <a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/07/26/www.getfirefox.com">www.getfirefox.com</a></p> </object> <br/> (<a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/13_jekyll/goldberg.svg">SVG source</a>) </p> <p>For the ones who favor their command line interface over graphical terminals, here comes <a href="http://github.com/obbele/ports4dotclear">a bundle of Makefiles and scripts</a> to easily publish new entries on a DotClear2 blog with XML-RPC enabled.</p> <p>It is loosely based on *BSD ports and the idea behind static blog generators like <a href="http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll">jekyll</a>, which in fact I've never used so the comparison might be more about what I think they are and what I'd like to use. Nevertheless, the few features I have aimed for are:</p> <ul> <li>automation, otherwise I would not waste whole days on the command line</li> <li>integration with VIM, <em>the</em> text editor</li> <li>pure text files, a very simple and universal way to store data. Moreover ones can manage the whole damned thing with <a href="http://git-scm.com">Git</a>.</li> <li>extensible, as in the Unix philosophy where you combine a myriad of small programs to achieve your task</li> </ul> <p>The project is available on <a href="http://github.com/obbele/ports4dotclear">GitHub</a>.</p> <p>I. Quick demo Computer science is all about speeding things up. This system doesn't escape the rule. Using it for posting a new entry on a DotClear2 blog is as quick as typing: bash:Goldberg $ make new Enter directory name: foobar New directory created: [999_foobar] bash:Goldberg $ cd 999_foobar bash:Goldberg/999_foobar $ make edit... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/07/26/A-port-system-for-DotClear">Read</em> A port system for DotClear</a></p> First attempt with SVG urn:md5:4a04de4b510d19fce9c08e53e237fde8 2010-07-16T19:35:00+02:00 Johan network dotclearsvg <!-- SVGs ==== --> <p style="width:14em; margin:auto; padding:1em; text-align:center;"> <object data="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/Media/SVG.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> <p>can't read SVG ? go <a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/07/16/www.getfirefox.com">www.getfirefox.com</a></p> </object> <br/> (<a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/public/Media/SVG.svg">SVG source</a>) </p> <p>SVG diagrams are scalable. They should be a perfect fit for this elastic CSS theme. Let's try.</p> <p>can't read SVG ? go www.getfirefox.com (SVG source) The diagram on the right shows how you can use SVG to display clean and elegant diagrams. This one was created with Inkscape. On Opera™ and Mozilla™ browsers, the schema is displayed with a transparent background. Unfortunately, webkit-based software still... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/07/16/First-attempt-with-SVG">Read</em> First attempt with SVG</a></p> Managing mails the Unix way urn:md5:539192a7d0f20bd37c6e224c31a5e1e6 2010-05-10T15:14:00+02:00 Johan network dovecotemailgetmailmdamramsamtamuapostfixprocmailstunnel <p>I am quite allergic to modern email programs such as Microsoft Outlook, KMail, Evolution or Thunderbird. After digging the web for a mail program that &quot;sucks less&quot;, I've adopted mutt. In the same time, I've learned a lot of (not so useful) stuff about the email flow from servers to servers to servers to my brave old Unix mailbox. I am now using a split set of software to manage my emails. This could be confusing at first sight, but eventually I get the so-called do-one-thing-but-do-it-right quality of Unix systems. To summarize it, my messages go through the following path:</p> <pre style="width : 34em; margin : auto;"> .--. _ -( )- _ .--,( ),--. _.-( )-._ ( INTERNET ) '-._( )_.-' '__,( ),__' - ._(__)_. - ^ | | | | v .---------. .-----------. encryption | stunnel | | getmail | deliver '---------' '-----------' ^ | | | | v .---------. .----------. send | postfix | | procmail | filter '---------' '----------' ^ | | | | v .------. .---------. read/write | mutt |&lt;============&gt;| dovecot | store '------' '---------' </pre> <p>Getmail, procmail, dovecot, mutt, postfix and stunnel. That's 6 programs to do what your Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird do. But I can assure you that the former 6 programs offer a better experience compared to the latter ones.</p> <p>I. Some vocabulary Before going further, let's redefine here some acronyms commonly used to talk about email systems. The list is based on the mail concept overview from the mutt wiki. MRA: Mail Retrieval Agent, the program fetching mails from the internet (such as fetchmail or getmail) MDA: Mail Delivery Agent, the program actually... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/05/10/Managing-mails-the-Unix-way">Read</em> Managing mails the Unix way</a></p> A new version for the "Deep Blue" DotClear theme urn:md5:a74ac83d4bab225d4b59a2fb8f410444 2010-05-02T23:40:00+02:00 Johan network cssdotclearwww <p>After three whole nights and more than 30 cups of tea, my blog is using a new version of my "deep blue" theme. Key new features are:</p> <ul> <li>Elastic CSS, this implies no more bitmap pictures :(</li> <li>Refactoring of DotClear2 template to shift the center of the page to the left. This leaves a small opening for a side image on the right. This is a new proof that my poor CSS skills cannot overcome the xHTML tags and document structure of the original DotClear2 pages.</li> <li>After many thoughts on the <em>right</em> CSS layout, I choose to use a CSS width based on <code>em</code>. Layouts based on page percent width are very tricky when it comes to displaying lines of code because text lines could be wrapped. CSS <code>em</code> attribute should garantee a similar appearance among screens and, let's dream, browsers. New pages width should be almost/at least 80 characters long. This might keep a text layout constant, even if you are zooming in/out, even if you are using different font sizes. Too wide or too big screens will be under-used. I don't care, use the space left to play with tiling window managers. Too small screens will have to go full screen and zoom out. Anyway if you cannot read 80 characters-long-line text, you should use another graphical terminal.<em> (note: in fact, and perhaps due to limitation on the fonts, the length of text lines will never be constant. I've just tried to assure a minimal quality. See the <a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/05/01/A-new-version-for-the-Deep-Blue-DotClear-theme#lengthMyth">next section</a> for a concrete example)</em></li> <li>Experimenting the CSS3 property <code>rgba(r,g,b,alpha)</code> to add some eye candy.</li> <li>Experimenting another CSS3 property with the <code>background-size</code> declaration to scale the background image to full page height. Strangely browsers like Opera zoom both text and images, this can lead to unesthetic result.</li> </ul> <p>Fixed line length is a myth The following paragraphs contain a dummy lorem ipsum text for reference and two 80 characters long strings. If you zoom or play with your font family/size you will see that this CSS with cste em block width is far from perfect. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed accumsan sollicitudin... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/05/01/A-new-version-for-the-Deep-Blue-DotClear-theme">Read</em> A new version for the &quot;Deep Blue&quot; DotClear theme</a></p> Why Debian Lenny ? urn:md5:d3e94ffd9eb70e25101ede45c89d3c84 2010-04-26T20:38:00+02:00 Johan network debianlibxml2php <p>Because it is stable ! It means less trouble between packages and less time spent hunting incompatibilities between libraries. Here comes yet another example of dependency hell in the world of F/OSS where our two main protagonists will be libxml2 and PHP 5.x.</p> <p>Recently I come across a little bug when I was playing with my LAMP server (actually it's more a LLPP system for I prefer Lighttpd and PostgreSQL). It appears PHP 5.2.x and libxml>2.7 do not play well together when parsing HTML/URI encoded messages (where characters as '<' or '>' are replaced by &lt; or &gt;). If you try to use a $xml_parser = new... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/04/26/Why-Debian-Lenny">Read</em> Why Debian Lenny ?</a></p> XML-RPC on DotClear urn:md5:75999dee537207bd484087c294b722d8 2010-01-15T23:52:00+01:00 Johan network dotclearpythonvimXML-RPC <p>XML-RPC is a protocol to remotely control a web application. Here is a short demo of XML-RPC to create, view and edit entry on the DotClear2 blog platform from the command line, using a tiny python script.</p> <p>Your browser does not support either the video element or embedded OGG theora video. What can we do with dotclear.py ? Create post entry. List previous ones. Modify them ... or delete them. Locally, on your computer, using your favorite browser/text editor to preview/edit the blog entry. But why ??? Because I got bored and... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/01/15/XML-RPC-on-DotClear">Read</em> XML-RPC on DotClear</a></p> Fedora RPM hacking urn:md5:e53ed4f22591be4c3fad9cfc49e056c3 2010-01-14T03:57:00+01:00 Johan desktop FedoraRPM <p>Fedora is a distribution supported by Red Hat® which aims to be user-friendly. Unfortunately if you like to hack your software or to use exotic programs, you'll have to go through the RPM pipeline to nicely integrate your binaries with the rest of your system. </p> <p>Here is an example on how to modify <a href="http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/dvtm/" style="">DVTM</a> source code. We get the RPM source package, patch the code and regenerate a binary RPM the fedora-way.</p> <p>Setting up development environment First, you have to create a directory rpmbuild where you will work. Simply install the rpmdevtools RPM and use : su -c 'yum install yum-utils rpmdevtools' rpmdev-setuptree Getting the source We will use yum, the fedora package manager, to download the source, extract them, and install the require build &... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2010/01/14/Fedora-RPM-hacking">Read</em> Fedora RPM hacking</a></p> Sondage dcWave urn:md5:26d2e15848e6156f726321459c46346a 2009-12-20T02:51:00+01:00 Johan network dotclearfrwavewww <p>Petit test pour tester l'usage de cette chose hautement inutile.</p> <p>Bon alors la question est simple : j'ai un p'tit plug-in sous la main qui permet d'inclure plus ou moins sans soucis des Google Waves sous DotClear. Je cherche un logo pour le plug-in (et un occasion de poster sur DotClear / créer une Wave). Petit rappel, les logos de Wave et DotClear sont les suivants : Les propositions sont les suivantes :... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2009/12/20/Sondage-dcWave">Read</em> Sondage dcWave</a></p> The headless case urn:md5:bb35641d9ddaf45a8a15fb26d74d18a6 2009-12-19T20:38:00+01:00 Johan desktop qemuslitaztoolbox <p>Imagine an old headless computer box and an `aptitude safe-upgrade` which failed. No keyboard nor screen connected to the box. No graphic card inside. The nightmare has begun... ... fortunately, Slitaz was here to help !</p> <p>I came across a small annoying problem when upgrading my Debian headless 'server' one time : dpkg failed to remount read-write enabled my /boot partition or it was out of space and consequently the update of grub/initramfs did not work, letting my old server unable to reboot by itself. (yes I know, I could have confgured /etc/apt/apt.conf to work... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2009/12/19/The-headless-case">Read</em> The headless case</a></p> Wave plugin 0.2 urn:md5:99d0e1396a0268aceb477e344a9a587d 2009-12-18T01:01:00+01:00 Johan network dotclearwavewww <p>The GoogleWave plug-in for DotClear 2.x is updated with improvements and bugfixes.</p> <p>Let's start with a pretty summary : jDS@toto ~/dev.dcWave $ git diff --stat --summary v0.1..v0.2.0 _admin.php | 97 +++++++++++++++----- _define.php | 6 +- _install.php | 23 ++++-- _prepend.php | 3 + _public.php | 8 +- inc/class.dcwave.config.php |... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2009/12/18/Wave-plugin-0.2">Read</em> Wave plugin 0.2</a></p> Wave plugin 0.1 urn:md5:394da198976f82f223877d0ca193eeb2 2009-12-15T01:59:00+01:00 Johan network dotclearwavewww <p>Dotclear is great. Dotclear is simple (until you try to read and understand the code). Dotclear is W3C compliant. But ... there is not yet a plug-in to easily include a Google® Wave. ... so let's try to add a wave smoothly.</p> <p>Edit: move from googleWave 0.1 to dcWave 0.2.0. Old div.waves on this pages do not work any more with my new javascript wrapper. To get the latest news, please go on the next entry No worries, I've looked everywhere on the web to find some clues on how to do it. The first version of the Dotclear plug-in gives the following result : Wave v0.1... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2009/12/15/Wave-plugin-0.1">Read</em> Wave plugin 0.1</a></p> December desktop urn:md5:6c0747b3d16a30b14e77fa0f3ed582dc 2009-12-08T23:58:00+01:00 JohanD Now geeking ... desktop <p>A small entry to test multimedia content.</p> <p>Winter is coming ! /DS... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2009/12/08/December-desktop">Read</em> December desktop</a></p> Welcome to Dotclear! urn:md5:99c7523c99bc9e2d497fc72142fde930 2009-12-08T22:26:00+01:00 JohanD network debiandotclearpostgresql <p>So, following advice from <a href="http://fr.dotclear.org/documentation/2.0/admin/install#assistant-d-installation">here</a> I've installed dotclear2 on my beloved private server. To get start with the software, let's test the entry system with this brief text describing how I configured my Debian with php5 and PostgreSQL.</p> <p>Updating the Debian server aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade ... plus some configuration checks, including php5-gd, php5-pgsql, etc. Configuring Apache2 Simply by adding the configuration file cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/dotclear2.conf: Alias /dotclear2 /srv/dotclear2 <Directory /srv/dotclear2/> php_admin_flag safe_mode off php_admin_flag... <em><a href="http://www.jdobbelstein.eu/blog/post/2009/12/08/Welcome-to-Dotclear%21">Read</em> Welcome to Dotclear!</a></p>